After a week of not painting in the morning, it has felt more like a month. I got up this morning before 6, took my time eating, started the truck and let it heat for 10 minutes, and it was still dark. I drove to the river to find something to paint and it was still pretty dark. The days are rapidly shortening. I was under-dressed (freezing temps) and uninspired for whatever reason (maybe because it was still dark)! I drove home. I like getting up early to knock out a painting before I do my real work and it was getting rather late. Before I did leave, I saw 2 really neat white cranes on a tributary next to the river. I tried taking a picture with my cell phone but I think it was still too dark to see them. Unless I change my time at which I paint in the morning, I might have to wait until the time falls back. Well, I might post a drawing later today or tomorrow that I've been working on.